Responsibilities of the Government of Indonesia Regarding Human Rights Enforcement in the Perspective of International Law (Study of Cases of Armed Criminal Groups (KKB) in Papua)


  • Cecep Nugroho UIN Walisongo Semarang


Government Responsibility, Human Right Enforcement, International Law Perspectives


The government's responsibility in handling human rights violations that occurred in Papua is a serious problem that is still ongoing today, even the conflict that occurred in Papua is an issue that is often discussed in the international sphere. The number of incidents that have occurred raises research questions related to what is the responsibility of the Indonesian government in upholding human rights in Papua from an international law perspective? Using qualitative research through a case study approach with literature study techniques by looking at several relevant previous studies as data sources. This research finds the obligations and responsibilities of the government through international law such as the Asean Human Rights Declarations (AHRD), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), but the Indonesian the government still takes a military approach to conflicts that the role of the government should be 80% and the role of the security forces 20%, so that if the government steps down directly by creating intense communication directly and will produce an agreement without violence which continues to take lives.


