PROIROFONIC 2025-01-03T05:53:24+00:00 Editorial Team Open Journal Systems Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus and Tax Reform in Dealing with Inflation and Unemployment in Argentina in 2018-2023 2024-12-27T12:15:28+00:00 Azra Nawal Aulia <p>This study evaluates the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus and tax reform in addressing inflation and unemployment in Argentina from 2018-2023. In the context of Keynesian theory, which emphasizes the important role of fiscal policy in managing aggregate demand and stabilizing the economy, this study aims to examine the extent to which the Argentine government's measures have succeeded in achieving these macroeconomic goals. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches. The data include macroeconomic data, government reports, case studies, and related literature. The fiscal stimulus implemented positively impacts reducing unemployment in the short term through increased public spending and infrastructure investment, which creates new jobs. However, this impact is often offset by increasing budget deficits and inflationary pressures due to increased aggregate demand. Tax reform aims to improve the efficiency and fairness of the tax system by reducing some types of taxes and simplifying tax rules, which helps encourage investment and economic growth. Referring to Keynesian theory, the study results show that fiscal stimulus has succeeded in increasing aggregate demand, reducing unemployment in the short term, and triggering inflation. Meanwhile, tax reform contributes to economic growth but is less effective in controlling inflation. This shows the need for a more balanced and coordinated policy to address inflation without hampering economic growth and job creation. Fiscal policy and tax reform must be designed more comprehensively by taking into account the structural factors that affect inflation to achieve optimal results.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Impact of Foreign Investment (PMA) in Nickel Products to Economic Sector in Indonesia (2019-2023) 2024-12-27T12:27:39+00:00 Adinda Zahrani Siregar Talitha Raisa Yusuf <p>According to Indonesian nickel downstreaming data on the BKPM website, in 2021 the Government started downstreaming with the aim of increasing the added value of Indonesia's abundant natural resources, such as nickel. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), of the 2.67 million tons of nickel produced worldwide, Indonesia produces 800 thousand tons of nickel. To support this downstreaming program, the Government is implementing a Foreign Investment (PMA) strategy for the economic sector. According to BPS data, PMA investment in the mining sector in 2019- 2023 experienced instability because every year there was a decrease or increase. In 2019 the recorded investment was 25,675.25, then in 2020 it decreased to 13,755.10. The following years, namely 2021-2023, continued to increase with the amount of investment recorded at 25,517.10 in 2021, continuing to 2022 at 62,521.60, and in 2023 with an increasing amount of investment at 86,689.20. Nickel exports in 2023 were considered the highest in approximately a decade, because they increased ten times. The rapid development in exports is the most valuable thing in the eyes of the world. Therefore, downstream projects must continue to be intensified so that domestic nickel processed products have a higher value.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Asian Regional Development Strategies: A Case Study of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) 2024-12-30T14:07:40+00:00 M Imam Syaamil Nasution Roziqk Heally Huzaeny Hanan Dzaky Firdaus Afni Regita Cahyani Muis <p>In recent decades, Asia has emerged as a pivotal hub of global economic growth, with rapid economic expansion evident across the region. This paper explores the effectiveness of the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) framework, comprising the ten ASEAN member states along with China, Japan, and South Korea, in driving regional economic development through import substitution, export-led growth, and structural adjustment strategies. The analysis highlights significant advancements in regional economic integration and infrastructure development, supported by robust data demonstrating the region's dynamic transformation. Before the implementation of APT strategies, ASEAN Plus Three countries exhibited varying levels of economic performance, with GDP growth rates averaging 4.2% across the region, contrasted with a global average of 2.8% (IMF, 2023). Post-implementation data reveals a notable increase, with regional GDP growth reaching 5.3% in 2022, surpassing the global average and demonstrating the impact of APT strategies (IMF, 2023). The study employs a comparative analysis of three key case studies: regional economic integration, infrastructure development, and food and energy security. Results indicate that intra-regional trade has increased significantly, contributing to over 30% of total regional trade by 2021 (ASEAN Secretariat, 2022). This paper underscores the critical role of APT in enhancing economic stability and development within the Asian region. It provides policy recommendations for strengthening regional cooperation and addressing challenges such as income disparities and structural imbalances. Future research could further investigate the nuanced impacts of APT's strategies on individual member states and explore the long-term sustainability of these development approaches.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Marketing Strategy of Samyang Foods Co., Ltd in Samyang Noodle Sales in Indonesia 2024-12-30T14:19:07+00:00 Nabilah Andiati Putri Mohammad Louis Ardiansyah Shiva Novelia Setiarko Taryzania Andriana Putri Siti Anggraini Setiawan Ratna Intan Putri <p>South Korea began its journey in spreading its various types of culinary delights to the world through local shows that they created and which can be accessed internationally in various parts of the world. Of the many South Korean foods that are world famous, Mie Samyang is one of them. Indonesia is one of many countries where people like to consume Samyang noodles, which is a type of spicy noodle produced by Samyang Foods Co., Ltd. This research aims to find out and understand the marketing strategy of Samyang Foods Co., Ltd from South Korea in selling Samyang Noodles in Indonesia using the Global Marketing Strategy concept which has been reduced to the 7P Marketing Mix concept. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with primary and secondary data analysis techniques through data sources obtained from interviews and mass media. The research results show that Samyang Foods Co., Ltd has succeeded in adapting aspects of the 7P Marketing Mix to suit market preferences in Indonesia and its regulations.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Implementation of Okun's Law : The Effect of Economic Growth on The Unemployment Rate in Asian Countries 2024-12-30T14:31:24+00:00 Widita Kurniasari Khoirina Cahyani Rahmawati <p>This study aims to determine the implementation of Okun's Law, namely the effect of economic growth on the unemployment rate in 30 countries on the Asian continent in the period 2016-2022. The independent variable in this study is economic growth while the dependent variable is the unemployment rate and in this study has control variables namely foreign direct investment, inflation and trade openness. This research uses secondary data obtained from the World Bank. The analysis method in this study uses the panel data regression analysis method on 30 countries on the Asian continent in 2016-2022 using the Stata application. The best model at this stage of the research is the Random Effect Model (REM). Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be seen that (1) the economic growth variable shows a negative and significant relationship with the unemployment rate, (2) the foreign direct investment variable shows a negative relationship and has no significant effect on the unemployment rate, (3) the inflation variable shows a positive and significant relationship with the unemployment rate, (4) the trade openness variable shows a negative and significant relationship with the unemployment rate.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Indonesia Trade Policy Adjustment To Reduce Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers After the Implementation of IJEPA in 2008 2024-12-30T14:52:47+00:00 Benedict Kresnadito N Ilmi Arrasikha Muhammad Ardimas J.S Nazilah Ramadhani Mochammad Ferdinan Hein Muhammad Farhan A.B Gerald Nio S.M <p>The Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) is an economic cooperation agreement that became effective starting in 2008. This cooperation aims to expand the market and increase the volume of trade between the two countries. In achieving its goals, Indonesia made adjustments by forming policies related to IJEPA. This paper will analyze this. The research method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative method. The data collected in this paper was obtained from official Indonesian government sources, namely the Minister of Finance of The Republic of Indonesia Regulation, and the IJEPA basic agreement-implementing agreement and journals as a secondary data. The author argues that Indonesia will adjust policies to reduce trade barriers in order to maximize the IJEPA cooperation scheme. This research finds that tariff and non-tariff barriers still exist. This is proven by the regulations issued by the Minister of Finance which aim to adjust the basic agreement-implementing agreement between the two countries which contains trade agreements. However, the author analyzes that the remaining two barriers are still effective for protection purposes from the categories of low-quality goods and criminal goods. This is proven through the contents of regulations that are closer to standardization and trade procedures.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Analysis The Sales Dynamics of Lemonilo Noodle Products in Partnership with NCT 2024-12-30T15:04:13+00:00 Safilla Aira Safitri Fahira Maharani Aulia Febrianza Widyastuti Marcello Sianipar Sarah Lydwina Olivia Sinaga Fenanda Almira Rasyid <p>One of the foods that people in the world are interested in and love is instant noodles. One of them is Lemonilo noodles. In this case, Lemonilo chose NCT as a Brand Ambassador by utilizing celebrity image and the Korean wave. The purpose of this writing is to describe the Brand Ambassador functions carried out by Kpop idols, especially NCT Dream. Previous research is quite relevant to explain that Brand Ambassadors are communicators who play an important role in explaining the message of a product given to consumers so that consumers buy their products or influence purchasing decisions. The research method we use is a descriptive qualitative method. This article attempts to explain how to interpret the role and function of NCT as a Brand Ambassador to influence consumers towards Lemonilo products, as well as study the increase in awareness of the Lemonilo brand among NCT fans and the general public. Apart from that, this research aims to provide a reference for brand ambassadors so that they can successfully promote their products, such as the way NCT does with Lemonilo products.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Understanding the Prospects for Indonesia's SMEs in Apparel Sector to the European Market Through Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU CEPA) 2024-12-30T15:12:45+00:00 Syifa Aprilia Putri Yosua Saut Marulitua Gultom Kentzico Rabil Aldrich Ian Syadewa Finsy Aurelia Putri Kinanti <p>Apparel products are an economic subsector that can contribute significantly to Indonesia's foreign trade value. This is in line with the high demand in the global market, especially in the European Union region. However, as one of the countries producing apparel products, Indonesia must also compete with other apparel-producing countries to enter the European Union market. Therefore, this paper examines the prospects of apparel products from SMEs in Indonesia for the European Union market by analyzing domestic and foreign conditions and existing support. Using a descriptive qualitative method, this paper is compiled based on data obtained from document studies. This paper discusses the significance of apparel SMEs in Indonesia and the situation of the apparel market in Europe. The author argues that the existence of the IEU CEPA will encourage the expansion of the apparel product market produced by SMEs in Indonesia to the European Union market. This paper also tries to highlight the role of the diaspora and the Indonesian government in encouraging export-oriented apparel SMEs. This paper is expected to be useful in supporting the progress of apparel SMEs in Indonesia to expand into the European Union market.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Implementation of Indonesia-Netherlands cooperation in overcoming plastic waste pollution through The ocean cleanup River project in Indonesia in 2018-2023 2024-12-30T15:19:07+00:00 Ariesa Maryam Kusuma Regita Endah Cahyaning Naya <p>The problem of plastic waste pollution in Indonesia's rivers is still an urgent issue that must be addressed immediately to maintain aquatic ecology. Plastic waste in waters is quite threatening the ecosystems and marine life. Indonesia ranks 5th in the world as a contributor of plastic waste to the sea. As an effort made to prevent garbage from the mainland reaching the sea through rivers, the Indonesia government seeks cooperation with the Netherlands. This effort was carried out by the signing of the two countries in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) which contains an agreement that regulates cooperation in various fields, including waste management and water cleanliness. The collaboration paved the way for The Ocean Cleanup River Project in Indonesia, a project initiated by The Ocean Cleanup, a Netherlands-based organization that focuses on cleaning up polluted rivers around the world. This research focuses on the results of the implementation project by using qualitative methods.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Towards Environmental Sustainability: Pandawara Group-Denmark Collaboration Through Transnational Advocacy Network 2024-12-30T15:29:47+00:00 Nazhmi Fadhil Rahman Aqshal Ilham Ramadhan Annisa Andien Armadhani Nadya Putri Ayu Nastiti Anabela Maria Lucia Sinambela James Arthur Siahaya <p>Pandawara Group as a non-governmental organization that started with environmental concerns, has expanded to a larger scope to be able to work with the government and other external parties. The role of social media has also increased the existence of the Pandawara Group so that they can be recognized as an influential organization in the state society. Their success resulted in several awards and led to an opportunity to learn more about environmental management with an overseas party from Denmark. In the different categories of countries, there are certainly differences in how the environment is managed, such as Indonesia and Denmark. This research aims to analyze how the Denmark government manages waste and find differences in how waste is managed between the Indonesian-Denmark government and how much social media impact has on awareness of environmental issues. Through a qualitative approach with a descriptive method using literature studies to obtain relevant data, it explains how the efforts made by Pandawara Group can influence The Government of Denmark to make and pursue policies using the theory or concept of Transnational Advocacy Network. The concept itself is a contemporary framework that describes how non-state actors, such as NGOs, advocacy groups, and other kinds of social movements, collaborate beyond national boundaries to influence policy changes to certain institutions or governments and also to promote shared values or ideas. Transnational advocacy network theory emphasizes the power of information, persuasion, and network-building in shaping international politics and domestic policies. This research paper concludes that Pandawara Group as a NGO, collaborating with Denmark as a foreign state actor through Transnational Advocacy Network, can build and strengthen partnerships in order to achieve the goal of promoting global environmental sustainability.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Nature Sustainability Threatened by Multinational Corporation Cooperation: Land Clearing in Papua in 2020 2024-12-30T15:41:50+00:00 Kurnia Rafif Shanika Aqshal Ilham Ramadhan Arina Varadilla Nidya Arum Dhamar Pinasti Nur Vita Dewan Tari Shakira Adriana Handriza <p>The wealth of natural resources in Indonesia has become an attraction for industrial actors, both domestically and abroad. Deforestation in Papua is a failure of management by the Korindo company, causing a threat to the preservation of natural resources that can harm Papua people who depend on natural resources, including forests. This paper aims to provide an analysis regarding the consequences caused by deforestation and encourage decisive steps that should be taken by the Indonesian government using the perspective of green politics because it requires the right perspective in carrying out expansion. The perspective of Sustainable Development Goals can also be implemented in this paper because it concerns the sustainable development of Papua forests in the forest. The results of the analysis found by the author show that the Indonesia government has only tried but is not able to provide a solution recommendation for the decisive action on the main issue of deforestation committed by PT Korindo Group, thus resulting in damage in Papua due to the failure of expansion. Based on the results of the study, there is a correlation between the impact of forest land damage in Papua and the inequality of indecisive policy, resulting in social discrimination experienced by the local community so that deforestation receives a direct warning from Green Peace. The role of the Indonesia government in solving this problem really requires further investigation so that it can strengthen the government’s steps in establishing appropriate policy for sustainable development of forests in Papua.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Clean Energy Transition: A Policy Implementation Analysis of the Korean New Deal 2024-12-30T15:49:42+00:00 Zahra Ananta Revalina Febrizya Fachrany Diah Aulia Tiara Rahma <p>COVID-19 has had a severe impact on many countries, especially in the economic sector which has experienced a significant decline. This situation prompted the South Korean government to take action in finding solutions to restore stability to the country. This article discusses the South Korean government's efforts in implementing the Korean New Deal (KND) program with a focus on the digital new deal, namely the development of hydrogen electric vehicles, promotion of renewable use and supporting a fair energy transition and building an efficient electricity grid. The research method used is qualitative, which is a type of research aimed at being able to investigate, find, describe, and explain a quality or virtue of the impact of social influences that cannot be described, described or described in a lift calculation or what is called a quantitative approach. The author is interested in taking research that discusses KND because there is also urgency in this topic because South Korea is one of the countries that is trying to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with focus number 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). The final result in the form of common ground in this research is expected to make a good contribution in influencing the development of how the performance of the KND policy process provides development to several areas that have been targeted as well as a reference in future research on topics that still have continuity with this research.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC UNICEF’s Role in Handling Victims of Violence Against Children and Women in The City of Surabaya 2024-12-31T05:47:46+00:00 Hafidhotun Nisa’ Amanda Feradatuz Zahra Nur Mars Romadhona Siti Aisyah Aulia Rachman Nadia Aulia Rachma <p>Violence against children and women remains a serious issue requiring special attention and handling in various cities across Indonesia, particularly in Surabaya. Given the high rate of violence against children and women in the city, UNICEF’s role as an international organization focused on the rights of children and women is crucial in efforts to prevent and address victims of violence in Surabaya. This research focuses on UNICEF’s efforts to reduce and handle cases of violence against children and women through collaboration with authorities in Surabaya. This study aims to understand UNICEF’s role in addressing cases of violence against children and women, not only as a provider of assistance but also as a critical partner to the local government in formulating effective policies and programs. UNICEF Surabaya is actively engaged through the Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI), which aims to make Surabaya a child-friendly city. In 2023, Surabaya became the first city in Indonesia to officially sign the Annual Work Plan to join the global CFCI network. The author uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type through a literature review and related news articles based on the concept of International Organizations outlined by Kelly Kate Pease. In this study, the author argues that the role of international organizations like UNICEF is limited to advocating for the rights of children and women and as a Problem Solver, Aid Provider, and Capacity Builder through collaboration with relevant stakeholders in Surabaya.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Impact of International Cooperation Policies on Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Indonesia 2024-12-31T05:57:29+00:00 Salsabila Putri Ramadhani Salfa Risdalina Inayah Divia Warda Firrausil Kamala Salsabila Zahra <p>The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of international cooperation policies on poverty alleviation and sustainable development in developing countries, with a particular focus on Indonesia. International cooperation policies are a crucial part of reducing poverty and promoting sustainable development in developing countries. International cooperation policies have become an important part of the development strategies of developing countries, including Indonesia, to overcome the challenges of poverty and achieve sustainable development. This research uses a qualitative approach with secondary data analysis in the form of reports, statistics, and case studies related to the implementation of international cooperation policies in Indonesia. The results of the analysis show that international cooperation in the form of financial assistance, technology transfer and partnership development programs have a positive impact on poverty alleviation and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in developed Indonesia. However, the effectiveness of these measures is often affected by factors such as local institutional capacity, inter-agency coordination, and adaptation to local conditions. These results suggest improved coordination and strengthened institutional capacity to maximize the positive impact of international cooperation policies in the Indonesian development context.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Rice Import Policy from Thailand as a Response to the Decline in Rice Productivity in Indonesia Due to Land Conversion 2024-12-31T06:07:34+00:00 Adinda Khairunnisa Muhammad Azizul Hakim Saviq Isnu Bhalki Wan Ghunyan Al- Qudsi Zhaira Najla Salsabila Putri <p>Indonesia's rice productivity has seen a decline in recent years. The decline in rice productivity results in agricultural land being converted into non-agricultural land. This could be a threat to Indonesia's food security. The government's efforts to overcome the problem include the importation of rice. In the process of importing rice, governments implement import policies to protect local farmers. The government imposed tariff and non-tariff policies in the process of importing rice. The price of rice was imposed in an effort to protect the balance between the national price and the import of rice. Non-tariff policies were imposed to keep the price of imported rice affordable. The government chose non-tariff obstacles to import rice from Thailand. Non-tariff barriers themselves are used to control import volume. The aim of the study is to find out how Thailand's import policy can be a solution to the national rice productivity phenomenon, which is the result of the high share of land functions currently. The study uses a graphic research method, and the results show that the import of rice from Thailand is a solution to the decline in local rice productivity. He said the rupiah was expected to strengthen to rp9,100 per dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market on Tuesday. This policy will protect local farmers from theft.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Analysis of UNICEF’S Role in Addressing Child Violence in Indonesia 2019-2022 2024-12-31T06:18:10+00:00 Aisyah Maharani Annisa Diah Pitaloka Bezaleel Yuvens Setyobudi Fitdria Ridatin Jannah Hanum Alfina Damayanti Rifals Aflaha Makasabat Rizza Lailavega <p>Child abuse is a social problem that impacts the physical, mental, and developmental well-being of children. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic around the world is also one of the causes of the increase in the number of child abuse in Indonesia. UNICEF, as an international organization that seeks to realize the welfare of children, plays an essential role in reducing the number of child abuse in Indonesia. This paper aims to analyze UNICEF's role as an international organization through Kelly Kate S. Pease's theory of the role of international organizations. The author limits the range of research to 2019-2022 during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The author uses a qualitative method with a descriptive type. The data collection technique used by the author comes from interviews and literature studies to obtain primary data. Under the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) program launched by the United Nations. UNICEF's role reflected the implementation of SDG’s 4 namely Quality Education, through three roles. As a problem solver through forums and meetings, such as Indonesian Children's Goodness Conference. Capacity builder, through training and debriefing for social workers who handle children. And as aid providers who assist in recreational kits and hygiene kits, they provide a complaint hotline called SAPA 129.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Oil of the Future: The Risk of Green Resource Nationalism on Lithium Extracting Countries in Latin America 2024-12-31T06:24:07+00:00 Muhammad Erza Aimar Rizky <p>As the world approaches the 2030 mark to accomplish 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations, the global demand for sustainable and clean energy sources is intensifying. In achieving the targets, unprecedented demand has emerged for some of the most critical materials used in renewable energy generation and storage. From solar panels to wind turbines, battery storage, electric vehicles and electricity cables, green technologies all relied on various minerals and metals. Among these critical materials, lithium has garnered the most interest as a key component for batteries, dubbed “oil of the future.” Particularly, Latin America possesses more than half of the world's identified lithium reserves, positioning the region as a geopolitical focal point in the carbon transition. Policymakers in the region are increasingly pushing to secure a greater share of the revenues from lithium extraction by halting privatization and starting to nationalize the sector. A new concept, “green resource nationalism,” has gained traction, aiming to reclaim control of the sector from foreign-owned companies. While proponents highlight potential benefits, critics raise concerns about potential price hikes and increased corruption risks due to weak institutional frameworks. Building on the traditional concept of resource nationalism focused on fossil fuels in resource-rich countries, green resource nationalism represents a contemporary evolution. This article analyzes the characteristics, domestic implications, and global repercussions of green resource nationalism through case studies of Chile, Mexico, and Bolivia. We employ a qualitative approach, combining literature review and discourse analysis of official documents to examine this concept.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Social Inclusion: The Decrease in Marriage Rates in Indonesia can be Ascribed to The Enduring Presence of a Patriarchal Culture 2024-12-31T06:32:17+00:00 Intan Putri Nuraini Michella Masayu Putri W Salsabila Hayu Adiqoh Queen Dinda Fitriyana <p>This study aims to determine the decline in marriage rates related to the influence of patriarchal culture on society in Indonesia. The influence of patriarchal culture, men are referred to as the dominant party to influence individual views on marriage through aspects of social and family life. This study employs a descriptive qualitative approach and utilizes demographic data from the X trend and marriage decline data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to identify the primary factors contributing to gender inequality, social norms, and economic instability that influence the decision to marry, particularly among women. Research indicates that the prevalence of patriarchal culture within influential social systems has a significant influence on the low rates of marriage. The study further advocates for social inclusion in addressing these difficulties by proposing the implementation of more comprehensive strategies to counteract patriarchal norms and promote the long-term viability of marriage in Indonesian society. Additionally, it underscores the significance of gender equality in this context.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Role of COP 27 in Promoting Sustainable Food System in Africa 2024-12-31T07:18:43+00:00 Aanisah Aprilia Lasampa Shiva Faizah Farah Nublah Anisa Ramadina <p>Climate justice is not just a financial transaction to protect the environment. It needs to be seen as protection for the most vulnerable communities after centuries of resource exploitation. African countries disproportionately face the impacts of climate change on their environment, economy, resources and infrastructure. This leads to greater vulnerability and increased exposure to the negative impacts of climate change. This article reviews the role of COP 27 in promoting food systems in Africa. This research is a type of qualitative research by applying descriptive analytical methods and literature study data analysis techniques. The findings of this research are that conditions in Africa can be addressed through financial and collaborative support for adaptation and local solutions, but this will only be achieved if climate justice is prioritised by decision makers. This needs to include a global-scale transition in the way climate finance is valued and accessed. Climate justice underpins real, effective and sustainable solutions for climate action in Africa.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Kolaborasi Medan Berkah: An Effort To Realize an Eco-Friendly City in Handling Medan City Waste Management 2024-12-31T07:28:20+00:00 Aulia Srifauzi Rini Oktari Batubara Yuda Ardiansyah Dede Ardi Saputra <p>An eco-friendly city is one indicator of the development of people's living standards. Where they can live comfortably in it. The government of Medan city, through Kolaborasi Medan Berkah programmed, is committed to making Medan an eco-friendly city. This is an evidenced that Medan City winning back the Adipura award in the Metropolitan city category after 12 years. Kolaborasi Medan Berkah programmed is a form of the city government's commitment to achieve Medan City's mission as a sustainable, clean, and conducive city. This is very interesting to discuss because the policies implemented by the city government impact the quality of people’s life. The purpose of this study is to determine the opportunities and challenges of Medan City in Kolaborasi Medan Berkah programmed to achieve that Medan is an eco-friendly city and its impact on the quality of people’s life in Medan. This research used qualitative methods with interviews as primary data and literature review from as a secondary data. Previous research showed that the responsibility of local government in waste management created community enthusiasm and active participation in waste segregation. The result of this research is Kolaborasi Medan Berkah programmed could have government to achieve Medan as an eco-friendly city because of the Medan City Government's commitment.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC China's Policy Developments in The Implementation of The Paris Agreement: Strategies And Challenges in Addressing The 2020-2024 Carbon Emission Problem 2024-12-31T07:38:32+00:00 Akbar Yuda Pratama Gabriel Alessandro Nadhea Khoirun Nabila Rinatra Bangun Dirja Gita Kayla Yasmin Azzahra Keyne Nabilla Kholida Hanum Salsabilah <p>China became the first country to be the largest source of emissions, with 27% in 2019. This is proved by the 2.8 million industries that exist in a wide range of sectors, so China can be categorized as one of the countries contributing to air pollution, especially in large amounts of carbon emissions. The issue has become a major concern for China and other countries after agreeing to the Paris Agreement as a platform for reducing carbon emissions. Moreover, China's declared plan to become a carbon-neutral country by 2060 requires progressive efforts. China's consistency in implementing the Paris Agreement as a real action needs to be reviewed further to demonstrate its commitment to maintaining a balance between environmental and economic aspects. So this study seeks to analyze further the development of China's policy in the implementation of the Paris Agreement as well as its strategy and challenges in addressing the carbon issue in 2020–2024. The research methodology used by the author is the qualitative descriptive method. The author can assume that in the process, China maintains its consistency in implementing policies that can reduce carbon pollution rates. The argument can be put forward by the author because there are several programs that are being pursued, such as the Five-Year Plan program, which is believed to have a significant impact on reducing the pollution generated in China.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC ICRC Humanitarian Interventions in Addressing the Palestine-Israel Conflict in 2023-2024 2024-12-31T07:46:05+00:00 Mustika Cahyani Arihbatul Khaerunnisa Aanisah Aprilia Lasampa Nurul Uswatul Hasanah Dwi Ardiyanti <p>The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has become a prolonged conflict that involves world countries and other institutions. The genocide committed by Israel violates International Humanitarian Law, causing a humanitarian crisis in Palestine. So that many countries and institutions are actively involved in providing humanitarian assistance. Humanitarian aid is in the form of food, basic supplies, medical assistance, and other assistance that supports the survival of the Palestinian people. International judicial institutions have also intervened in handling the conflict between Palestine and Israel. Because of the many access limitations carried out by Israel in order to seize Palestinian territory, all humanitarian assistance provided can only be provided by the ICRC. The ICRC is a non-governmental organisation that plays an active role in dealing with victims of war and providing all forms of humanitarian assistance that has been channelled by the world community. This paper uses a qualitative research method where researchers research phenomena through journals, news, and books. By describing in detail and in depth the portrait of conditions in a natural context, about what actually happened according to what is in the research subject. This paper explains how the ICRC's role in handling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and what are the challenges in handling the conflict.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Influence of Sweden's Carbon Tax on Global Environmental Diplomacy 2024-12-31T07:51:59+00:00 Mustika Cahyani Dwi Ardiyanti <p>Climate change has become a problem for countries around the world, because it can lead to food crises, extreme temperature rises, increased potential for natural disasters and endangered flora and fauna. The triggers of climate change come from human activities. Human activities that affect climate change include burning fossils, petroleum, natural gas and coal. All of these activities will produce carbon emissions. To overcome the problem of carbon emissions, many efforts have been made by the international community. One of the countries that has succeeded in the carbon emission problem is Sweden. Sweden solved the carbon emission problem through a carbon tax that started in 1991. The carbon tax is imposed on all public activities that produce carbon emission gases. The purpose of this study is to find out how the Swedish carbon tax affects environmental diplomacy. This research utilises the Pigouvian Tax theory proposed by Arthur Cecil Pigou. The research method used in this study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The results of this study show that Sweden's position on the international stage is getting better. This is due to Sweden's success in implementing a carbon tax without destabilising its economy. Several countries around the world have joined Sweden in implementing similar policies. In addition, Sweden also has a significant contribution, being the first country to ratify the Kyoto treaty which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC ASEAN's Contribution as an International Organization to Regional Economic Cooperation through Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) 2024-12-31T08:03:05+00:00 Adeline Raj Aura Khansa Tsabita Eka Septiany Putri Marizka Amartya Nurhaliza Aisiyah Salsabila Safitri Debby Shafira Br Ketaren <p>The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional organization formed in 1967 to promote cooperation among countries in the Southeast Asian region. In 2020, ASEAN and five partner countries, namely, the People's Republic of China (PRC), South Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, formed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). RCEP is the world's most significant free trade agreement (FTA), aiming to increase Asia-Pacific trade and investment. This research discusses the role of ASEAN as an international organization in regional economic integration by implementing RCEP. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method based on Clive Archer's theory of international organization to analyze the role of international organization based on three leading indicators: Actor, Arena, and Instrument. This research shows that ASEAN actively strengthens regional economic integration, which is evident from its role as a policy designer, policy implementer, and conference forum provider.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC PRODUCT PLACEMENT STRATEGY ANALYSIS OF PT. MAYORA INDAH'S KOPIKO CANDY IN THE KOREAN DRAMA "DOCTOR SLUMP" 2024-12-31T08:17:33+00:00 Khikmatul Hidayah Aulia Putri Anandita Naimatul Aini Sholehah Lintang Fajarianti Revasya Beatrice <p>Indonesia is one of the largest producers of coffee beans in the world after Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. Indonesia's coffee plantation area reaches 1.24 hectares, 933 hectares of robusta plantation and 307 hectares of arabica plantation. This is what makes coffee closely related to the lives of Indonesian people. The purpose of this research isto find out how Kopiko candy product placement strategy affects consumer buying interest after successfully entering the South Korean market through Korean dramas, especially the Korean drama "Doctor Slump". The product placement strategy, especially the Implicit Product Placement of PT Mayora Indah, succeeded in attracting buyers' interest until many people began to realize the presence of Kopiko candy. Not only South Koreans, but all Korean drama lovers from various countries began to be interested in the presence of Kopiko candy and made Kopiko as the coffee candy of choice to be consumed when tired. The conclusion of this research is that the integration of product placement in the Korean drama "Doctor Slump" related to Kopiko candy by PT Mayora Indah has succeeded in increasing brand awareness and consumer preference in buying the product. In this way, effective product placement in Korean dramas, namely Implicit Product Placement, has the potential to become a PPL marketing strategy that is able to reach and influence target consumers.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC UNRAVELING THE NEXUS BETWEEN MACROECONOMIC FACTORS AND CARBON EMISSIONS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A VECM ANALYSIS MODELS 2024-12-31T08:26:08+00:00 Nesha Rizky Ashari Irwan W Abdullah Abdullah Ajeng Lestari Syahrul Gunawan <p>Global efforts to reduce carbon emissions have become a major concern due to growing concerns over global warming and climate change. However, despite these efforts, carbon emissions continue to rise, particularly in developing countries that often prioritize economic growth over environmental sustainability. This study aims to analyze the causal relationship between carbon emissions, interest rates, political stability, trade openness, and foreign direct investment in eight developing countries. A quantitative approach, using regression analysis, is used to examine panel data collected from official sources over the period 2013–2022. The econometric model, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), is applied to identify causal relationships and reveal the long-term and short-term effects between the variables analyzed. The findings indicate that there is no relationship between all variables and carbon emissions. While the long-term test results show that exchange rates, political stability, trade openness, and foreign direct investment affect carbon emissions, while the short-term relationship as a whole has no short-term effect, this study emphasizes providing deeper insights into how macroeconomic policies and conditions can affect carbon emission reduction efforts in various countries. These findings play an important role in controlling carbon emissions and can encourage policymakers to integrate environmental considerations into economic policies.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Indonesia's Efforts to Maintain Economic Security Stability: China's Claim to the Natuna Sea 2024-12-31T08:36:09+00:00 Afni Regita Cahyani Muis Rara Sativa Anjani <p>The waters of the Natuna Sea are Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) located in the Karimata Strait in the north of Indonesia. The Natuna Sea holds a wealth of biological resources with high value and importance, making China feel interested in being able to control the region. In addition to this, what makes China more interested is that the region has large natural gas and petroleum reserves. This study aims to find out how aggressive China is in controlling the Natuna Sea so that it can take stored natural resources and as knowledge about how the Indonesia government is trying to maintain Indonesia's economic security stability. The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research whose main sources come from books, journal articles, news articles and others. In this case, China still adheres to the idea of the Nine Dash Line which is pegged to history. However, legally Indonesia remains in the strongest position among the holders of this territory. So, to maintain national defense and maintain natural resources as the largest economic supplier in state development, the government must always carry out exploration and exploitation activities on biological resources in the waters of the Natuna Sea.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Indonesia's Diaspora in the Context of Indonesia's Economic Development: A Case Study Indonesia Workers (TKI) Abroad 2024-12-31T08:44:08+00:00 Dini Septyana Rahayu Rara Sativa Anjani <p>Indonesia Workers (TKI) are a group of Indonesian people who immigrate to other countries to work for economic reasons. Indonesia Workers (TKI) is a form of Indonesia's diaspora abroad. Indonesia Workers (TKI) who are abroad for economic reasons can open the door to cooperation between countries and help Indonesia's domestic economic growth. This study analyzes the role of migrant workers as the Indonesia diaspora that can help the country's economy. The purpose of this research is to find out and understand how migrant workers contribute to the country's economic growth and help the country in diplomacy with other countries, so that good diplomatic relations are established. The author uses a descriptive analysis research method with data collection techniques sourced from journal articles, news articles and various other literature. The results of the study show the role of migrant workers in sending remittances which is an important source of income for the state because it can reach 3-4% of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). With the return of migrant workers back to the country, it creates people's economic empowerment by opening businesses and creating jobs so that it can reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia. In addition, migrant workers play a role in helping the development of the industrial sector, they provide foreign currency input so as to increase productivity in various economic sectors. In the context of Development, TKI also plays a role in terms of education that can help the quality of human resources.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Contribution of the United States, England, and Norway in the Indonesian Net Sink FOLU Program 2024-12-31T08:53:30+00:00 Deva Amalia Rahma Putri Laycha Nazila Supoyo Putri Rania Anjati Aurellia Putri Reyhan Auni Fazari Fauziah Athalia Savitri <p>To address environmental issues arising from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Indonesia has developed a strategy aligned with the Paris Agreement, which emphasizes long-term plans for low-carbon development and climate resilience. This strategy includes collaborative programs with the US, UK, and Norway through the "Indonesia's Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030" initiative, aimed at reducing GHG emissions in the forestry and land use sectors. Therefore, this article aims to analyze and explain the specific contributions of the US, UK, and Norway as partner countries in supporting the implementation of Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink program. It is a qualitative research that employs a literature review as the data collection method and applies qualitative analysis techniques to process and interpret the obtained data. The results indicate that the UK, Norway, and the US support Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 program through financial assistance. US has provided funding amounting to USD 50 million over a period of 5 years, UK has offered a guarantee of USD 1 billion for World Bank loans, and Norway has contributed USD 56 million to support Indonesia's reduction of 17 MtCO2e in emissions between 2016-2017. The authors contend that the US, UK and Norway plays a critical role in this program by advancing forest conservation, augmenting financial resources, enhancing monitoring capabilities, and reinforcing international partnerships. With this support, Indonesia has been able to undertake various actions in the Folu Net Sink 2030 program for environmental protection.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Energy Transformation: The JETP (Just Energy Transition Partnership)-South Africa Partnership to Reduce Coal Dependency in South Africa 2024-12-31T09:04:45+00:00 Shafira Rahmawati Handayaningrum Anabela Maria Lucia Sinambela Rahmania Ainur Fitri Muhammad Sultanivar Savizhady Daffa Banitio Prathama <p>The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) is a multilateral initiative designed to help developing countries make the transition to clean energy in a just and sustainable manner. One of the objectives of the JETP or Just Energy Transition Partnership is to support the transition from non-renewable to renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on coal energy. South Africa is one of the world's top 15 carbon emitters as a result of its reliance on coal. With a range of negative environmental impacts such as doubling of temperature and increasing frequency of extreme weather events. One of the partnerships built by the JETP is facilitating an energy transformation in South Africa aimed at reducing the country's dependence on coal and transitioning to renewable energy for the sake of South Africa's climate sustainability. In the context of global climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions, South Africa faces major challenges due to its historical reliance on coal as a primary energy source. The JETP partnership focuses on developing an inclusive and equitable strategy for the energy transition, integrating technical, financial and policy support to accelerate the shift to renewable energy sources. This article explores concrete steps in the implementation of this partnership, evaluates its impact on South Africa's energy sector and economy, and identifies challenges and opportunities in the transition process.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC THE INDONESIA-AUSTRALIA COLLABORATION TO TACKLE PLASTIC WASTE THROUGH THE INDO-PACIFIC PLASTIC INNOVATION NETWORK (IPPIN) PROGRAM 2024-12-31T11:58:23+00:00 Ayuni Salsabila Putri Ema Isfa’atin Khasanah Anita Rachmawati Almira Aida Shakira <p>The management of plastic waste is a major challenge for the Indo-Pacific region, as 75% of plastic produced worldwide ends up in waste. Plastic waste is now regarded as a global crisis, and there are an estimated five to ten billion plastic pieces on the Indo-Pacific region's coastline. The plastic waste crisis has negative effects on human health, marine ecosystems, and local economies. To combat this, the Indo-Pacific Plastic Innovation Network (IPPIN) encourages cooperation among stakeholders, including governments, researchers, industries, and organizations. This paper provides an overview of the origin, aims, and initial impact of IPPIN. Highlighting the IPPIN's role in promoting innovative solutions for plastic waste reduction and management. There are two innovations on offer: a technology to convert abandoned fishing nets into high-quality, low-carbon materials, and a system to revolutionize plastic waste management in Indonesia. Stakeholders help in crossing obstacles given the pivotal role they play. While IPPIN has achieved significant progress, its success is dependent on funding, local capacity building, and ongoing engagement among stakeholders. This study is qualitative in design with data from study literature. Finally, this study emphasizes the importance of addressing these concerns through a coordinated and inclusive strategy. By combining the strengths of various stakeholders, the region can create scalable solutions that not only reduce plastic pollution but encourage sustainable development goals 17 of the Partnership Goals and 12 of Responsible Consumption and Production.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Role of Partnership in the Development of PLTSa in Surabaya: Environmental Protection and Achievement of SDGs 11 2024-12-31T12:06:24+00:00 Nur Aisyah Diana Theresia Klau Nabilah Putri Syahrial I Gusti Ayu Anjely Gandawati <p>This research explores the role of partnerships in the development of Waste-to-Energy Power Plants (WTPs) in Surabaya, with a focus on environmental protection and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs 11. Thisstudy focuses on the problem of addressing urban waste management and its impacts on the environment, and how strategic partnerships can improve the effectiveness and sustainability of WTPs projects. The results of the study indicate that collaborative efforts between the government and the private sector significantly improve waste management practices, reduce landfill use, and associated environmental hazards. The authors emphasize that collaboration between these partnerships not only advances technological innovation in waste management but also promotes environmental sustainability in urban areas. The conclusions of this study highlight the importance of strong multi-stakeholder collaboration to achieve SDGs 11, emphasizing the dual benefits of environmental protection and improving urban living conditions. This study underscores the importance of an integrated approach in addressing environmental challenges through sustainable urban development.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Adressing Child Labour in Indonesia from 2020-2022 2024-12-31T12:15:05+00:00 Zahnun Zahrani Nurmahfudi Jullya Resti Setyani Therisia Nelvina P.C. Laras Ayu Sekar Arum Helena Eka Putri <p>The International Labour Organization (ILO) is an international organization committed to promoting workers' rights through cooperation among governments at both national and regional levels to create world peace. The ILO is involved in labor issues, one of which is child labour. Child labour is a serious global issue, with 160 million children working at the beginning of 2020, and this number is expected to increase to 168.9 million children by 2022, according to global estimates. Employing children normalizes exploitation, resulting in the restriction of children's rights, such as the right to education and adequate healthcare facilities. This paper aims to analyze the role of the ILO in addressing the issue of child labour in Indonesia from 2020-2022, considering the worsening economic conditions due to the pandemic. The authors use a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, drawing data from literature studies. The research findings illustrate that the ILO plays a role in addressing child labour in Indonesia by: (1) serving as the basis for Indonesia's child labour policies, (2) acting as a platform that facilitates Indonesia's participation in forums for the elimination of child labour, and (3) acting as an independent actor aiming to take concrete steps to eliminate child labour in Indonesia.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Creating Equal Market Opportunities for Women by Advancing Supplier Diversity Through Gender-Responsive Procurement (Sd-Grp) in Thailand and Vietnam 2024-12-31T12:23:13+00:00 Aminatus Soleha Chelsi Okmelita Purnomo Radias Dwi Cahyani Karolita Mariana Amer <p>Gender inequality is a social phenomenon in which people are not treated equally based on gender. Gender inequality prevents women from gaining fair access to networks, finance, and markets, including procurement markets. In Thailand, women's labor force participation rate is 59% compared to 75% for men. In Nam, in the fourth quarter of 2022, women's labor force participation rate was 61.1% compared to 73.1% for men. This research focuses on UN Women's efforts to create equal market opportunities for women by advancing supplier diversity through Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) in Thailand and Viet Nam. The purpose of the research is to find out UN Women's role in addressing gender inequality in the workplace in Thailand and Viet Nam through implemented programs such as Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP) and We Rise Together. The method used is library research. The data collection method is done by analyzing and exploring several journals found in books, the internet and other relevant data sources. The results show that the Australian Government-supported 'We Rise Together' initiative aims to create equal market opportunities for women by promoting supplier diversity through procurement. The program has trained women-owned businesses and buyers in nam since 2023, with the aim of advancing gender equality. The Leaders Learning Lab as part of the WEP dialogue, showcases the development of gender equality policies, increasing skills and market access for women entrepreneurs, expanding access to technology and funding, and increasing visibility through advocacy campaigns in Thailand.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Afghanistan's Endeavors under the Taliban Regime as a Collapsed State to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 4: Quality Education by 2021-2024 2024-12-31T12:33:39+00:00 Vasthi Nadia Fidelia Muhammad Nur Rahardiansyah Ramadhan Swettie Ayu Calista Ratu Julyana Citra Hambali Priyanto Joscha Dafa Allegra Tombokan Stefan Risky Adrian <p>After the Taliban gained power in 2021,massive significant changesin varioussectors made the Taliban unable to fulfill the functions of the state properly, including the education sector. The research aims to analyze Afghanistan's endeavor under the Taliban Regime as a collapsed state to achieve SDGs No 4, Quality Education. The research uses qualitative-descriptive methods. We collected data through the official websites of IGOs and NGOs, annual reports from NGOs, mass media, and journals as secondary data. The research shows The Taliban don’t support equal opportunities for men and women to access education as seen by how they prohibit women from accessing higher education because it is not by the Islamic sharia implemented in Afghanistan. Learning process in Afghanistan conveys gender inequality. Shown by the learning content limited to strict Quranic interpretations, English books promote gender inequality, and absence of female teachers. In 2022 Taliban was forced to close universities from all visitors, although the statements were ambiguous towards women's education. By 2023, the labor participation rate between women and men is very distinctive, shown as 4.8% for women and 69.1% for men. Organizations such as GPE, UNICEF, and Save The Children in partnership promoting education in Afghanistan, but there was no support from the Taliban government. The research showsthat the Taliban has failed to fulfill its educational responsibilities, obstructing progress towards SDG No. 4. Despite external support from several organizations, the Taliban regime has disallowed any outside assistance in Afghanistan.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security: A Case Study of Famine in Sahel, West Africa 2024-12-31T12:42:44+00:00 Aninda Nova Nurfitriani Natasha Mardiani Alfons Heyden Aris Fernando Gultom Safitri Dwi Ananda Syifa Nur Salsabila <p>Climate change poses a significant threat to global food security, weakening economies and increasing food scarcity. This study examines the specific impacts of climate change on hunger in the Sahel region of West Africa. This research aims to identify how climate change affects agricultural productivity, the availability of air resources, and community migration patterns, as well as initiating adaptation strategies that can increase food security. The Sahel region is facing increasing drought, erratic rainfall, and rising temperatures, which are having a detrimental impact on agriculture, air resources, and food security. These challenges lead to malnutrition, social instability, and changes in migration patterns. There are efforts that must be made to overcome the hunger crisis in the Sahel region. This aims to reduce the higher the rate of hunger and death, if there is no support, people live without sufficient food and nutrition. This study highlights the urgent need for targeted adaptation strategies, such as climate-resilient crops and improved air management, to increase food security. Understanding these impacts is critical to developing effective mitigation strategies. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive data analysis. Thus, this research will provide important insights for policy makers and stakeholders in formulating effective solutions to address food challenges in Sahel.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC The Role of the ASEAN Youth Organization in Empowering Indonesian Youth based on SDGs 17 2024-12-31T13:05:06+00:00 Robbiel Fananil Anam Andrean Frederick Theresia Yola Prameswari Owiena Aurellia Rusdi Fania Shafira Al Fayzza Feny Yolanda Chrismas Sitinjak <p>Youth is someone who takes responsibility for the future of their country. The Government responsible for the progress and empowerment of youth in the country. The Government cannot work alone, they need the help of many parties to make this a success. NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) is one of them. ASEAN Youth Organization (AYO) is an NGO with a goal that focuses on empowering youth based on sustainable development goals and ASEAN principles. In this research, the research aims to determine the role of AYO in empowering youth in Indonesia based on SDGS 17 "Partnership for the Goals". In this research, researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods and focused on analysis related to the role played by AYO to empower youth in Indonesia. This research also explains the impact of implementing the AYO program on youth in Indonesia. Thus, information is produced by paying attention to the behavior and impact of the organization by analyzing, describing and interpreting the conditions that occur according to reality.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Hijab as Identity: An Analysis of Human Rights Violations and Gender Discrimination (Case Study of the 2024 Paris Olympics) 2024-12-31T13:09:53+00:00 Siti Nurhalisa <p>The wearing of the hijab has become a symbol of identity for many Muslim women around the world, as well as a point of contention regarding religious freedom and human rights. This study explores the human rights violations and gender discrimination arising from the hijab ban at the 2024 Paris Olympics. It analyses the impact of the ban on Muslim female athletes participating in international competitions, and how this policy reflects the conflict between the right of individuals to express their religious identity and the demands of secularism in the context of global sport. Through a qualitative approach, this research examines the perspectives of athletes, human rights observers, and non-governmental organisations involved in advocating for women's rights and religious freedom. The findings show that the hijab ban at the 2024 Paris Olympics not only hinders the participation of Muslim female athletes but also reinforces religion-based gender discrimination. In addition, the policy is considered to violate basic internationally recognised human rights principles, especially those related to religious freedom and gender equality. The study concludes that dialogue between governments, international sports bodies and advocacy groups is essential to create inclusive policies that respect cultural diversity and religious beliefs without compromising the principles of justice and human rights.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Harnessing Economic Growth Through Sustainable Geotourism: The Impact of Ijen Geopark's Designation as a UNESCO Global Geopark 2024-12-31T13:15:31+00:00 Abbel Antya Wicaksana <p>The recognition of Ijen Geopark as a UNESCO Global Geopark has opened new avenues for sustainable economic growth in the region through geotourism. This study investigates the economic impact of this designation by examining its effects on tourism growth, employment opportunities, and infrastructure development. Using a qualitative research approach, data were collected from key stakeholders, including Ijen Geopark management and local communities. Findings reveal that UNESCO status has significantly increased both domestic and international tourist visits, driving job creation in sectors like hospitality, tour services, and handicrafts. Local businesses, especially MSMEs, have benefited from this growth, further empowering the community. However, challenges remain in balancing economic expansion with environmental preservation and cultural heritage protection. The study underscores the importance of comprehensive management strategies to maintain long-term sustainability and maximize geotourism's economic and social benefits. Policymakers and geopark managers are encouraged to implement policies that safeguard environmental integrity while promoting inclusive growth.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Legal Review of Electronic Commerce-Based Buying and Selling on the Shopee Platform Against Consumers Using Shopee PayLater 2024-12-31T13:31:38+00:00 Seri Mughni Sulubara Hidayati Purnama Lubis Nanci Yosepin Simbolon <p>Online buying and selling is the buying and selling of goods and services through electronic media, especially through the internet or online. Shopee paylater is a buy now pay later method provided by the Shopee platform that allows consumers to pay for a transaction at a later date, either in one payment or in installments. Shopee PayLater is making a purchase first and paying for it the following month or by installment method over several months. The research method explains in detail how the research was conducted. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with a normative juridical approach. The Legal Review of Electronic Commerce-Based Selling and Buying on the Shopee Platform Against Consumers Using Shopee PayLater is clearly regulated in the Civil Code, Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and Law Number 19 of 2016 amending Law Number 8 of 2008 concerning Electronic<br>Information and Transactions.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Trends in Online Gambling and Government's Inability to Achieve Decent Work in Indonesia: What Should We Do? 2024-12-31T13:41:09+00:00 Dhilva Ananda Helga Yohana Simatupang Aulia Srifauzi <p>In the global society human trafficking is a highly contentious topic. Because of a significant increase, human trafficking has also recently gained attention on a global scale. The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Indonesia (PPPA) shows that 1,581 persons were victims of human trafficking between 2020 and 2022. The state's failure to give the populace respectable jobs was the primary reason of the enormous increase in human trafficking in Indonesia. The state has a responsibility to promote decent work and economic growth, according to SDG point 8. People are pushed into lucrative careers, including working overseas, as a result of the Indonesian government's inability to produce quality jobs. Unfortunately, people are frequently caught up in human trafficking as a result of the general public's ignorance of important issues pertaining to working abroad. Since human trafficking involves labor exploitation, it is usually regarded as a violation of human rights. The act of human trafficking is the same as working in the internet gambling industry. In Indonesia, online gambling is also very common for a variety of reasons, from the allure of the prizes provided to the general lack of public awareness of the risks involved. Online gambling has a domino effect that makes poverty rates rise and impedes the expansion of the Indonesian economy. Human trafficking is a problem in Cambodia since it is a nation that legalizes gambling and depends heavily on the gaming industry for its economic growth. This is particularly true for the online gambling industry. Human trafficking victims, particularly those from Indonesia, enter Cambodia through the Batam region, transit to Malaysia, and then enter Cambodia by air or boat. The ambassador of Indonesia to Cambodia stated that teenagers between the ages of 19 and 30 make up the majority of online gaming workers in Cambodia. Their desire to work in Cambodia is mostly driven by the promise of a high wage, particularly in the online gambling industry. The Indonesian ambassador to Cambodia stated that there are more than 1,200 Indonesian individuals employed in the gambling sector, despite the fact that only about 1,200 people have reported to the Indonesian Embassy and confirmed working in the industry. This is impacted by the ease of converting a tourist visa into a work visa as well as the strong need for laborers in the gambling sector in Cambodia. This is a qualitative study that gathers information from library research.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Reshaping Indonesia’s Policy on Electric Vehicles: From Nickel to Electric Cars? A Case Study of Vietnam’s Vinfast Electric Cars 2024-12-31T13:47:53+00:00 Rachmaniar Rachmat Nur Wisisono Fuji Santoso Pizza Nurjanah <p>Indonesia has ratified the Paris Agreement to support its goal of achieving net zero emissions (NZE) by 2060. As the automotive industry shifts from fossil fuels to electric vehicles (EV), many countries are setting new strategies in their transportation sector. To face this challenge, Indonesia has put an export ban on nickel ore effective from 2020. This strategy was intended to initiate the domestic EV industry and encourage foreign investors to drive their manufacturing activities into Indonesia. However, Indonesia’s technology has yet established for producing EVs and distributing them to the global market. This study examines Indonesia’s EV policy within the broader context of its commitment to the Paris Agreement and its goal of achieving NZE by 2060. As one of the world’s largest producers of nickel, a key component in EV batteries, Indonesia is leveraging its natural resources to attract foreign investment and develop a domestic EV industry. Using a qualitative approach through literature review, this study explores how Indonesia’s policy aligns with its environmental goals and ambition to become a global hub for EV production, drawing comparison with Vietnam’s successful development of Vinfast, an emerging global player in the EV market. The analysis highlights the strategic importance of EVs in reducing carbon emissions and transforming the automotive industry, as well as the role of international cooperation in achieving these objectives. This research concludes by assessing the challenges and opportunities for Indonesia in positioning itself in the EV market, while contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Fostering Global Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism: The Role of International Partnerships in Mount Bromo's Economic and Environmental Sustainability" 2024-12-31T13:53:49+00:00 Adetya Nindra Zulfi <p>One of the most well-known natural tourist spots in Indonesia, Mount Bromo has drawn visitors from all over the world. But there are additional issues with sustainable tourism, both economically and environmentally. With an emphasis on their effects on local economic development and environmental preservation, this study intends to investigate the role that international collaborations play in fostering sustainable tourism in the Mount Bromo region. This study use the literature review approach to investigate a range of studies and publications that address international cooperation methods, policies pertaining to the management of natural tourist attractions, and sustainable tourism. Research from the literature indicates that cross-border collaboration can support efforts to manage natural resources sustainably, whether in the form of investment, technical support, or information sharing. Through inclusive and ethical tourism development, these collaborations also have the potential to enhance the economic welfare of nearby communities.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC EPICENTRUM OF GROWTH: INDONESIA'S ROLE IN STRENGTHENING ASEAN ECONOMIC GROWTH 2024-12-31T14:00:14+00:00 Cecilia Yosi Sari Br Sagala Helga Yohana Simatupang Aulia Srifauzi <p>In 2023, Indonesia was selected to host and chair the Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Through this chairmanship, Indonesia chose the slogan "Growth Center". This slogan was formed because of the belief that Indonesia's economic development has made a significant contribution to the Southeast Asian economy as a whole. Through this study, the author wants to prove this by analyzing Indonesia's efforts to improve the Southeast Asian economy. In addition, the author also wants to prove whether Indonesia's efforts have improved the Southeast Asian economy as a whole. The author will use the perspective of economic liberalism and use qualitative methods and secondary data. The results of this study are expected to be able to show whether Indonesia's economic improvement has boosted the economy in Southeast Asia as a whole and increased economic interdependence between member countries.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC From Plate to Peace: Indonesia's Gastrodiplomacy Strategies Revisited 2024-12-31T14:07:08+00:00 Helga Yohana Simatupang Jusmalia Oktaviani Teguh Puja Pramadya <p>This paper explores the strategic use of food as a diplomatic tool by Indonesia, highlighting the nation's gastrodiplomacy efforts aimed at fostering international relations and cultural exchange. It delves into the historical and cultural significance of Indonesian cuisine and how it has been leveraged to build bridges between nations, promote mutual understanding, and enhance Indonesia's global image. By incorporating a comparative analysis with Thailand and South Korea, the study identifies unique aspects of Indonesia's approach. Additionally, it examines the impact on local communities, the integration of technology, and the balance between cultural preservation and innovation. Through case studies and policy recommendations, this research provides a comprehensive understanding of Indonesia's gastrodiplomacy and its potential to contribute to peace and global harmony, setting it apart from existing literature.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Opportunities and Challenges of Halal Standards Policy in IMT-GT 2024-12-31T14:12:48+00:00 May Nanda Putri Nur Anggraini Kusumadini <p>Halal standard policies in the IMT-GT region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand - Growth Triangle) are needed due to the increasing global demand for halal products. With a majority Muslim population, the region has great potential in the development of the global halal industry. Harmonization of halal standards is needed to facilitate cross-border trade, reduce regulatory barriers, and strengthen the competitiveness of halal products in the global market. This study uses a qualitative approach with the library research method. Data is collected from books, journal articles, reports, and documents. Researchers conduct in-depth analysis of the literature to identify themes, patterns, and relationships related to halal standards. The theory of liberalism is the basis of the analysis in this study. This theory emphasizes cooperation between countries and economic interdependence as drivers of peace and prosperity. In the context of IMT-GT, liberalism is appropriate to encourage the harmonization of halalstandards to facilitate cross-border trade and investment. The role of international institutions is also crucial in supporting dialogue and cooperation between countries. The results of the research show that halal standards in IMT-GT open up great opportunities to strengthen access to halal products to the global market and increase investment in related sectors. However, the main challenges include differences in national policies, regulations, and halal certification. ASEAN and international institutions play a role in facilitating dialogue and coordination between countries to achieve integrated halal standards, so as to strengthen the competitiveness of regional halal products in the global market.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Implementation Of Indonesian Cultural Diplomacy In Hungary: Case Study Of Iisma Scholarship Recipients Of Upn Veteran East Java Students At University Of Szeged In 2023 2024-12-31T14:22:30+00:00 Asyer Abednego Runkat Kevin J.M Napitupulu Muhammad Nawfal Aqeel Rozikin Rozikin Shabrina Zalfa Amalia <p>Cultural diplomacy is an effective way to establish cooperation between countries, one of which is through education. IISMA is a program by the Indonesian Government in carrying out cultural diplomacy with other countries. A country that has established relations with Indonesia for a long time in various sectors including education is Hungary. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the implementation of cultural diplomacy at the University of Szeged, Hungary through IISMA awardees of UPN“Veteran” East Java as an actor of diplomacy. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with awardee interview methodology and evidence collection through journals, official news, as well as official social media of IISMA University of Szeged, Hungary. The results show that cultural diplomacy at the University of Szeged occurs with the support of the ADHIKARA program which has fulfilled three indicators; information, art, and culture. This indicator is found through the performance of the archipelago character drama, the introduction of batik, and the interaction from local and international students with IISMA awardees.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC ASEAN Smart City Network Cooperation for Digital Inclusion: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and Malaysia 2024-12-31T14:29:15+00:00 Dzaky Raihan An Nafy Abdullah Azzam Akmal Yusra Adamma <p>The ASEAN Smart City Network (ASCN) represents a significant regional initiative aimed at harnessing technology and innovation to drive sustainable urban development. This study conducts a comparative analysis of ASCN implementation in Indonesia and Malaysia, examining the initiatives at the constitutional, organizational, and operational levels through Hill and Hupe's multi-level governance framework. By analyzing primary policy documents and secondary data sources, the research reveals diverse approaches and priorities between the two countries. Indonesia focuses on empowering MSMEs and enhancing public services through digital platforms, while Malaysia emphasizes urban data management and sustainable transportation. The findings underscore the importance of regional cooperation, national coordination, and local participation in driving smart city progress. The study contributes to the field by offering a nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics shaping ASCN implementation in two key ASEAN member states. It generates valuable policy implications and highlights the potential of ASCN as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. The comparative lens and multi-level governance framework provide a foundation for future research on smart city development in the rapidly urbanizing ASEAN region.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROIROFONIC Diplomacy in Countering Terrorism: an Analysis of Indonesia-Australia Bilateral Consultations on Combating Terrorism 2025-01-02T01:57:53+00:00 Damar Dwi Syahrial <p>Throughout history, Indonesia and Australia have faced various terrorist incidents that threatened the peace and security of both nations. In response to these threats, Indonesia and Australia have forged cooperation in counterterrorism efforts, including through the "Indonesia-Australia Ministerial Council on Law and Security" forum, which has been held since 2015. The establishment of this forum aims to enhance security and intelligence cooperation to counter terrorism. Inspired by this initiative, the purpose of this research is to analyze the outcomes and impacts of security cooperation between Indonesia and Australia in addressing security and terrorism challenges. This research takes the form of qualitative descriptive study. It will explore the details and types of cooperation supported by primary data and interview. By applying the concepts of counterterrorism cooperation and neoliberalism theory, the author's analysis highlights various forms of cooperation, the positive impacts of counterterrorism cooperation between Indonesia and Australia, and their implications for future security. The timeframe applies on this research article starts from 2015 until 2023. The author hoped that this research will provide a better understanding of the quality of counterterrorism cooperation between Indonesia and Australia, and provide a basis for future security policy planning</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC The Role of Indonesia's Digital Diplomacy in Promoting Social Inclusion: A Case Study of the ASEAN Digital Literacy Programme 2025-01-02T02:30:01+00:00 Ahmad Sabiqun Nawa Isna Nur Faizah Libia Angger Amelya Lutfi Ardiansyah Muhammad Maulana Firnanda <p>This research explores the role of Indonesia's digital diplomacy in promoting social inclusion through the ASEAN Digital Literacy Program. With the main problem of how Indonesia's digital diplomacy initiatives in this program affect the level of social inclusion through improved digital literacy, this study aims to identify the impact of Indonesia's digital diplomacy role on the level of social inclusion achieved through improved digital literacy. Using descriptive qualitative research methods and the main theory of digital diplomacy, this study analyzes the various initiatives taken by Indonesia within the framework of the ASEAN Digital Literacy Program, and evaluates how its digital diplomacy policies and practices contribute to reducing the digital divide and increasing the accessibility of information technology in the region. The results show that Indonesia's digital diplomacy has significantly influenced social inclusion by expanding people's access to and understanding of digital technology, which in turn promotes more inclusive participation in ASEAN's digital economy and society. The study concludes that an effective digital diplomacy strategy is instrumental in creating a more inclusive and accessible digital environment for all.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Indonesia’s Digital Tourism Diplomacy : Enhancing ASEAN Regional Cooperation Through Virtual Cultural Exchanges in The COVID Era 2020-2022 2025-01-02T02:52:44+00:00 Ahmad Sabiqun Nawa Isna Nur Faizah Libia Angger Amelya Lutfi Ardiansyah Muhammad Maulana Firnanda <p>As we know, a few years ago, especially in 2020, the world was shocked by the emergence of the Covid-19 virus. Where this virus is categorized as dangerous and can spread throughout the world quickly. The emergence of Covid-19 which is increasingly spreading certainly has an impact on all sectors. The tourism sector is no exception, of course there is a limitation of the activities of the entire community. This can be reflected in the number of international flights that have dropped dramatically in this era due to various travel restriction rules launched by the government such as PSBB and others which have made the international tourism sector even worse. Not wanting to drag on the problem, made ASEAN member countries, especially Indonesia, rack their brains to create new innovations so that Indonesia's tourism sector can revive. This research will further explain the role of Indonesia's digital diplomacy in encouraging social inclusion, focusing on the ASEAN digital literacy program as a research case study. Before getting further into the research, we need to know the definition of digital diplomacy. In short, digital diplomacy is a government effort that uses information technology media to achieve diplomatic goals in the international arena, which in this case is to encourage the process of social inclusion through increasing digital literacy in ASEAN member countries. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study that aims to associate how the ASEAN digital literacy program led by Indonesia has contributed to social inclusion in the ASEAN region itself.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC The Role of China's Belt and Road Initiative in Promoting Regional Peace and Security China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Issue 2025-01-02T04:05:48+00:00 Muhammad Akmal Aziz Ahmad Naufaldi <p>This study investigates the extent to which the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project can strengthen peace and security in the South Asian region, referring to Barry Buzan's concept of economic security which assumes that to achieve national security requires a stable and prosperous economy to be able to generate resources needed for defense, infrastructure development, and social welfare. CPEC, as part of China's Belt and Road Initiative, aims to improve connectivity between the two countries through the construction of various infrastructure such as roads, railways, and ports. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative research with an in-depth analysis of the literature related to CPEC and BRI, including economic security theory. Although this project promises economic growth and poverty alleviation, its implementation is not free from various obstacles, including the risk of high debt, excessive economic dependence, potential corruption, and negative impacts on the environment and local communities. At the end of this study emphasizes that collaboration between the governments of Pakistan, China, and international institutions is needed to improve transparency, governance, and sustainable investment, in order to realize stability and prosperity in the region.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Paradox Between Sustainable Development Goals 13 & 16: The Eco-Terrorism Phenomenon 2025-01-02T04:25:55+00:00 Mochammad Habibie Purnomo Putra Anisa Septania Rizkya Sulistyarini Virda Rizki Anggraini Yohana Ajeng Purborini Rio Ferdian Firmansyah <p>This research aims to discover whether SDGs function to preserve nature in the context of eco-terrorism. The research question or problems in the research are why SDG is considered a paradox against the phenomenon of eco-terrorism and whether anarchy movement is necessary to preserve nature. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach with the library collecting technique. Based on the analysis, there are two findings in the research. First, SDGs may not be an absolute guideline in all countries. Second, anarchy movements are not supposed to be used in the environmental conservation movement. SDGs have global scaled guidelines where these guidelines may be implemented according to several countries' policies. However, it is possible that these guidelines would be against or not in accordance with the policies in other countries. The implementation of SDGs could as well give negative effects. For example, the project of establishment to deal with poverty would impact the forest negatively. Furthermore, not all countries are ready with resources to implement SDGs. For anarchy movements, the long-term plan would not be effective because the people and government could react negatively to something too extreme such as violence and illegal conduct. Instead, collaborative movements are effective and positive because the actions can be measured and many sides can partake to solve the problems in harmony. Based on the analysis, it can be said that the implementation of SGDs must adjust local policies and anarchy movements may not be the best solution to consider by countries to preserve nature.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Transformational Leadership and Catalytic Collaboration in Village Development: Study in Pesanggrahan, Kutorejo, Mojokerto 2025-01-02T04:35:44+00:00 Novy Setia Yunas Mochammad Fauzi Said Abdul Aziz SR Mi’rojul Huda <p>After the implementation of UU Desa No. 6/2014, villages are now transformed with various authorities, so that villages are required to be able to manage their village potential for the greatest welfare of the community. In addition, the central government's push for the implementation of the SDGs Desa means that villages must focus on the total development of their communities. One of the fundamental aspects that must be owned by the village in order to encourage village development based on village potential is the leadership ability of the village head in managing existing resources. This is the case in Pesanggrahan Village, Kutorejo Subdistrict, Mojokerto Regency, which is a buffer zone for the Ngoro Industrial Park Mojokerto and the Pacet, Tretes and Trawas tourism areas. Not only that, Pesanggarahan Village also has historical and cultural ties that are deeply rooted since the Majapahit Kingdom era. From these 2 (two) things, the Pesanggarahan Village Head is able to encourage fundamental transformations in the community in the context of village development which is not only based on improving the welfare of the community but there are efforts to maintain the customs and culture that exist in Pesanggrahan Village amid the influence of outside culture caused by the current industrialisation that is growing so rapidly in the midst of the Pesanggarahan Village community. This article is the result of research using qualitative methods, looking at how the transformational leadership model of the Pesanggrahan Village Head, Kutorejo District, Mojokerto Regency and also the collaboration taken in an effort to accelerate village development. This article uses two approaches to analyse the transformational leadership model of Pesanggrahan Village Head and the ability to build catalytic collaboration. So that this article can later contribute as one of the references for models that can be developed to encourage accelerated village development based on their potential. Because so far, the fundamental problem in the village is that the government and the village head are less able to find the potential of the village which can then be managed for the greatest welfare of the people in the village.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC The Indonesian Government's Efforts to Create Inclusive Education for People with Disabilities Through Assistive Technology 2025-01-02T04:43:21+00:00 Cindy Meriana Helga Yohana Simatupang Aulia Srifauzi <p>Inclusive education is an alternative solution for students with disabilities to gain full access to a quality learning environment. A common problem for people with disabilities to obtain quality education is communication difficulties and physical constraints, it is a challenge for the state to facilitate the same learning environment for all students. In the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of National Education No. 70 of 2009, there are regulations dealing with inclusive education for students who have disabilities and have potential intelligence and or special talents. One of the implementations of these government regulations is demonstrated by the development of assisted technology specifically designed to address the challenges faced by those with disabilities. The research uses a qualitative approach by analyzing data from various sources including scientific journals, news, and official website related to the use of assistive technology for people with disabilities in Indonesia. Analysis indicates that the presence of government-supported assistive technology is uneven in Indonesia due to a number of obstacles to its implementation such as limited technology supply, lack of government support, and limited human resources in the use of such assisted technology. Comprehensive cooperation is needed involving several parties involved in the provision and use of assistive technology such as government, schools and the public to overcome the various obstacles so that Indonesia can create quality inclusive education and support sustainable development.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Knowledge Democratization and Inclusion: The Role of Wikipedia and Its Implications for International Relations Scholars 2025-01-02T04:50:31+00:00 Kanyadibya Cendana Prasetyo Wishnu Mahendra Wiswayana Annida Nur Fattiya <p>In its 23 years of existence, Wikipedia has evolved into a widely utilized and influential internet platform, boasting 58 million articles in over 300 languages and garnering more than 16 billion monthly views globally. This collaborative and openly editable nature positions Wikipedia as a significant source of democratized knowledge, aligning with the mission of Wikimedia Indonesia to "Bebaskan Pengetahuan" (Open the Knowledge). Using the case study of Klub Wiki UB, we apply a mixed methods approach with a comprehensive literature review and survey aimed at Klub Wiki UB members. This study explores Wikipedia's role in knowledge democratization and its application in the field of International Relations (IR) at the university level in Indonesia and abroad. While some previous studies reveal content and gender gaps still exist in Wikipedia, this study emphasizes the potential benefits of Wikipedia when used appropriately through the open and collaborative spirit of the Wikimedia movement. Furthermore, Wikimedia movement could foster social inclusion of youth by offering them opportunities to develop their skills, enhance their abilities, and actively participate in society through a myriad of activities, such as edit-a-thons, trainings, and community meetups. The positive engagement with Wikipedia in higher education underscores its value as a dynamic, accessible, and inclusive knowledge-sharing platform.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Korean Beauty in International Relations: From Neoliberalism to Soft Masculinity 2025-01-02T04:57:50+00:00 Jusmalia Oktaviani Helga Yohana Simatupang Teguh Puja Pramadya <p>This research wants to explain the Korean Beauty phenomenon from the perspective of International Relations, especially neoliberalism. The Korean Beauty phenomenon as part of the Korean Wave is often seen from the perspective of cultural or media studies. Meanwhile, in International Relations, many people discuss the Korean Wave and other derivative cultural products from the perspective of public diplomacy or soft power. This study aims to look at Korean Beauty from the perspective of neoliberalism as an approach in International Relations and the concept of soft masculinity that upholds the values of globalization, as well as 're-locating' the Korean Wave, in this case especially Korean Beauty, as part of the capitalizatio and commercialization of culture which leads to an increase in economy.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Sexual Violence in India: an Analysis of Causal Factors and Their Impact on Women's Security 2025-01-02T05:07:13+00:00 Witriani Astuti Neilva Jarillah Arya <p>Sexual violence and harassment can be a huge fear for women, with this happening, the sense of security for women in India is very minimal. Sexual violence that occurs in India is very high, this is due to the existence of a patriarchal culture, which is already in place considered normal by Indian society. Apart from that, acts of violence and sexual harassment that occur can cause victims to experience very severe trauma. Thus the Goal from this research, namely knowing the factors that cause sexual violence and how it impacts women's safety in India. This research uses a library research approach where the data source obtained is through previous investigations and research. with this approach the results obtained are where patriarchal culture is difficult to eliminate, because in India there is a big emphasis on caste differences which makes men really look down on women. Apart from that, the impact of sexual violence can be makes women feel insecure and experience psychological and psychological disorders.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Efforts to Achieve SDGs Target 2 : Case Study on Stunting Rates in Indonesia 2025-01-02T05:13:21+00:00 Maria Wiwitaningsih Putri Hartono <p>The Indonesian government has identified stunting as a target to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to eliminate all forms of malnutrition. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), stunting is a growth and development disorder in children aged &lt;5 years caused by chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, especially during the first 1000 days. Stunting is defined as a height-for-age &lt;-2 standard deviations (SD) below the median value for a reference population of children as established by the WHO for child growth standards (WHO, n.d.). The factors that can affect stunting are not solely related to food intake in children. Additionally, stunting can be caused by congenital heart disease, congenital metabolic disorders, and chronic infections resulting from poor hygiene in the surrounding environment (Kemenkes, 2022). This research employs a global governance approach to elucidate the interactions underpinning Indonesia's effortsto achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2.2. The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia demonstrates a decline in cases, indicative of enhanced collaboration between government and non-governmental entities in reducing stunting rates. Through these interactions, the government and non-governmental organisations have initiated changes in the form of legislation and the formation of dedicated bodies to address the issue of stunting in Indonesia.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Implementation on Gender Equality to Achieving SDGs 5: A Case Study of the Garment Industry & Better Work Vietnam 2025-01-02T05:22:38+00:00 Maurin Adelia Putri Farra Fauziah Nurrahmah <p>Gender based violence and sexual harassment is very often encountered and experienced by female workers in any field of work. Vietnam is one of the Asian countries that has a fairly high level of female workers and actively participates in the country's economy. Millions of female workers in Vietnam have the chance to advance their special and economic status through work in the garment industry. Even so, there are still many women workers rights that are not obtained properly. Being paid low wages and being in an unsafe work environment is prone to gender based violence. Vietnam itself is one of the countries that utilizes a low-cost labor force, which is mostly staffed by female workers who have low skills. This research aims to analyze “how the garment industry and Better Work in Vietnam implemented gender equality in their process to ensure and achieve SDGs Goal 5?”. This research using a descriptive qualitative research methodology. This research focuses on the analysis of actions taken by the garment industry and the non-profit organization Better Work in Vietnam to achieve gender equality. This research resulted with several programs that have been carried out by Better Work Vietnam to improve working conditions and the competitiveness of the garment industry in Vietnam. Better Work Vietnam is also working together with ILO Global Supply Chain project to resolve gender equality and sexual harassment in workplaces at national and provincial levels.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC The Role of World Food Program (WFP) in Overcoming The Food Crisis In Syria 2021-2022 2025-01-02T05:30:43+00:00 Syazwana Mutiara sf <p>This research discusses the role of the World Food Program (WFP) in dealing with the food crisis in Syria in 2021-2022. The armed conflict that has been going on for a decade has caused a prolonged food crisis and economic crisis. Government policies that cannot handle the crisis experienced by their country, so the WFP as an international organization helps Syria in handling the crisis through the distribution of ground assistance. This research aims to find out what the WFP is doing to help overcome the food crisis in 2021-2022. This research also uses the theory of the role and function of international organizations. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with data collection methods using library research techniques and documentary studies. The result of this research is that WFP as an international organization in handling the food crisis in Syria acts as an instrument, arena and independent actor. These roles are seen in the implementation of WFP programs in Syria. WFP's main programs are Emergency Operation (EMOP), Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO), and Special Operation (SO). In 2020, the effectiveness of this program was almost invisible due to the emergence of Covid-19 which impacted the following year. This is because with the changes in operational procedures when implementing the program, health regulations must be followed to avoid the spread of Covid-19. WFP's role can be measured and seen from the actual implementation of its programs, depending on the conditions and situations.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Evaluation of the Impact of UNMISS Interventions in South Sudan: Operational Challenges and Security Collaboration (2022-2024) 2025-01-02T05:37:54+00:00 Ratna Alfina Nurcahyani Zefika Artha Yulinar Aisyah Az-Zahra Mukti Annisa Fitria Syukrina <p>United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) continues to play an important role in addressing the ongoing challenges in South Sudan. Between January and March 2024, there were 240 incidents affecting 913 civilians, resulting in 468 deaths, 328 injuries, and numerous kidnappings and cases of sexual violence. In addition to helping to deal with these problems, UNMISS has also been actively involved in the preparation of the upcoming general elections in South Sudan, in December 2024. The mission provides technical assistance, voter education, and support for dialogue among political stakeholders to ensure free, fair, and peaceful elections. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, and by using Peacebuilding Theory according to John Galtung. The results show that although UNMISS has made various efforts in preventing violence against civilians and facilitating preparations for the general elections, significant challenges still remain. UNMISS has succeeded in reducing incidents of violence in several regions by strengthening the presence of peacekeepers and mediating conflicts between communities. However, these interventions are often limited by operational issues, such as lack of access to remote conflict-torn areas and a lack of resources.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC In the Anthropocene: Strategic Initiatives for Sustainable Environmental Protection In Batam City 2025-01-02T05:48:10+00:00 Martinus Danang Pamungkas Darmawan Darmawan Rosnida Rosnida Dini Putri Yulita Gilbert Gilbert <p>This paper explores how companies use social networks to alter the relationship between individuals and the environment, focusing on plastic waste pollution. Environmental issues like plastic pollution have become significant disruptions, prompting stakeholders globally to mitigate their impact through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Previous research identifies plastic as a major challenge in the Anthropocene era, particularly affecting marine ecosystems. In response, the company Free The Sea in Batam city was established to mobilize the community in recovering and recycling ocean plastic waste into high-quality products. This study examines how Free The Sea engages individuals and communities in protecting the ocean from plastic waste using social capital and networked social movement theory. Data were collected through non-participant observation and documentation from the Free The Sea community and analyzed qualitatively using the Miles, Huberman, and Saladana (2014) model. Findings indicate that by expanding social networks to promote environmental awareness, Free The Sea has fostered collaboration on marine plastic waste issues, transforming individual and group interactions and their environmental impact. This research contributes to environmental sociology and social movement theories and offers practical insights for policymakers and non-profit organizations in enhancing social connections.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC ENERGY TRANSITION THROUGH CIRATA FLOATING SOLAR POWER PLANT PROJECT: A CASE STUDY OF JOINT INVESTMENT COLLABORATION AND BILATERAL PARTNERSHIPS 2025-01-02T05:57:23+00:00 Debritanio Caesario Muhammad Indra Maulana Mochammad Akmal Putra Ani Fitri Isnaini Isma Triyana <p>The process of developing and energy innovation is rapidly increasing within the environmental sustainability aspect based on SDGs such as the Cirata power plant. Nourishing partnership is indispensable in order to achieve a transformation until completely amended alongwith variety of aspects. This project includes environment, economy, and social value according to 17 SDGs. As a global commitment contained in the Paris Agreement regarding climate change, the construction of the Cirata solar power plant is realized as a form of energy transition by decarbonizing alternative electrical energy which not only benefits the economic sector but also has a positive impact on the commitment to developing ecosystems and a sustainable green environment. Having a partner who has the ability to make solar power plants in Indonesia into reality is very important because it will accelerate the transition of clean energy as well as increasing the social welfare and economy of the local community. ESDM, BUMN, PR PLN Persero, and Masdar from UAE are involved in the development of Citara Solar Power Plant. Their collaborative effort exemplifies the importance of strategic partnerships in fostering sustainable development and combating climate change. This partnership also contributes to improving the welfare of local communities. Through job creation, technology transfer and local capacity development, the project supports inclusive and sustainable economic growth. With support from various parties, PLTS Cirata stands as a model for other renewable energy projects and shows how strategic partnerships can drive sustainable development and positive change on a global scale.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Strategic Initiatives of Multinational Corporations in Environmental Sustainability in Indonesia: Case Study of Allianz and PT Azbil Corporation 2025-01-02T06:22:59+00:00 Vivin Amalia Dwi Vandini Janeeta Ala’aldin <p>Sustainability in environmental aspects is a critical focus area that requires increased attention due to the deteriorating condition of the Earth. One of the significant impacts of environmental issues is climate change, which has prompted multinational companies to become involved in efforts toward environmental sustainability, including in Indonesia. The involvement of multinational companies such as Allianz and Azbil Corporation in environmental sustainability is driven by their desire to address environmental challenges and their social responsibility as companies operating in Indonesia. This study aims to examine the implementation and efforts of Allianz SE and Azbil Corporation in promoting environmental sustainability in Indonesia using a descriptive qualitative analysis method. The findings of this study indicate that Allianz promotes sustainability through various CSR programs, including funding organizations involved in waste management, establishing waste banks, planting mangroves in several locations, participating in global waste cleanup movements, and other successfully implemented initiatives. Azbil Corporation contributes to sustainability by providing training to partner company operators, which positively impacts both the sustainability of the partner companies and sustainable energy conservation efforts. The success of these two companies in advancing environmental sustainability in Indonesia is evident from the large number of CO2 carbon emission reductions by Azbil Corporation and the various programs implemented by Allianz.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Implications of the WannnaCry Ransomware Attack on Personal Security: Analysis of Human Security Concepts 2025-01-02T06:28:50+00:00 Nasywa Tsabita Amelia <p>The 2017 WannaCry ransomware assault exposed fundamental flaws in increasingly complicated cybersecurity that harm individuals and organizations worldwide. The impact and losses caused by this incident are highly distressing. The hack locked data on unprotected systems, demanded a Bitcoin ransom, and caused financial losses and disruptions to critical services like as health care. Indonesia, as the afflicted country, is among those working together to solve this problem. This article will examine the implications of a WannaCry assault on personal security by studying the idea of human security. Using the framework of the human security concept, this article seeks to investigate how the attack affects persons' well-being and emphasizes the significance of proactive and collaborative cybersecurity measures. This ransomware attack is believed to have been carried out by a group of hackers called Lazaras Group who are purportedly associated with North Korea. The findings emphasize the importance of regular system updates, backups, and strong security policies in keeping with current and future advances to ensure personal security in the digital era.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC From Food Storage to Crisis: The Transformation of Food Security in Zimbabwe 2025-01-02T06:34:04+00:00 Syadza Faiha Yasmin Aribahtul Khairunnisa <p>Zimbabwe is a rice barn country in South Africa, but not long after that it turned into a very severe food crisis country. Zimbabwe, which is known as a major food producer in Africa, is now facing serious challenges due to several factors that have ended up in a prolonged food and economic crisis. This study identifies the important role of international cooperation and international organizations in efforts to improve food security. Through various means, it was<br>found that food diplomacy is a strategic tool for Zimbabwe to attract aid and investment to improve the agricultural system and food distribution. Using qualitative analysis methods and secular data, this study found that this problem can be solved by international cooperation and investment with partner countries, although there are still several challenges that must be faced.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Analysis of the ICRC's role in the Ukraine-Russia conflict: Humanitarian aid and civilian security in the midst of war 2025-01-02T10:40:08+00:00 Nurul Uswatul Hasanah Siregar Putri Safinatun Najjah <p>This study aims to analyze the role of the ICRC in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, with a particular focus on humanitarian assistance and civilian security during the war. Using the human rights theory framework, this study explores the various forms of roles carried out by the ICRC, including the provision of medical assistance, distribution of food and basic necessities, provision of clean water and sanitation, psychosocial support, and protection and identification of missing persons. The results show that the ICRC plays a significant role in protecting and fulfilling the basic rights of civilians affected by the conflict, despite facing various challenges such as unstable security conditions, difficult accessibility, and limited resources. Through a human rights-based approach, the ICRC not only provides urgent humanitarian assistance but also advocates for the protection of civilians from violence and human rights violations. This study emphasizes the importance of continued international support to strengthen humanitarian efforts and human rights protection in conflict areas. In addition, this study provides comprehensive insights into the ICRC's contribution to responding to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine-Russia and highlights the relevance of a human rights approach in addressing the impact of armed conflict.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC ACEH REGIONAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIZATION OF THE PRESENCE OF ROHINGYA REFUGEES IN ACEH IN 2023 2025-01-02T10:46:31+00:00 Steven Rehan Siahaan Adira Mawangga Putri <p>Since in 2015, Indonesia has accept hundreds Rohingya refugees and give help like food until facility health to refugees. Likewise the population local , namely the Acehnese community who provide help humanity to the refugees Because public local concerned with religious tensions that occurred in Myanmar. However on the side other, there are various problems faced by the Acehnese people regarding his arrival Rohingya refugees to area they. As happened in 2023, where arrival These Rohingya refugees give impact negative in aspect economic and social. Research This aiming For explain efforts made by the Aceh Regional Government in protect public local who feel threatened by the existence of Rohingya refugees in the Aceh region in 2023 with use theory securitization and concepts security national. Aceh Regional Government as the actor who performs security to things that happen in their area. In this case This, Acehnese society is referent object from effort securitization carried out by the government Aceh area. Then, Rohingya refugees can considered as existential threat for Acehnese society in a number of the context is important, because Rohingya refugees arrive in large amount and has cause impact significant social threats. As for the threats existential consequences from coming refugees Rohingya need steps outside normal For overcome problems that occur.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC The ICRC's Role in Handling Victims of Explosive Remnants During The Civil War in Myanmar in View of the Internasional Regime 2025-01-02T10:52:53+00:00 Achmad Aqiel A.S Muhammad Albryan Muhammad Fauzi Fitrah Dianto <p>This paper explains how the role of the ICRC in dealing with victims affected by the remnants of weapons and explosives from the post-war war in myanmar. This paper explains the causes of the myanmar civil war then explains how the fate of victims affected by mine explosions or other weapons which are remnants of weapons of civil war in myanmar. And also explains how the law on the rest of the explosives. This paper uses international regime theory, a set of principles, norms, rules, implicit or explicit decision-making procedures, and decision-making procedures where actors' expectations meet. And also this writing is based on descriptive qualitative methodology and also uses library research. The results of this writing explain the roles of the ICRC in handling this case and also analyze how the safe level that the victims of war must obtain.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC The Role of International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Handling Sudan Conflict 2023 2025-01-02T10:58:59+00:00 Nur Afni Oktavia <p>The root cause of the Sudanese conflict, which began in April 2023, is tensions between two opposing military factions: the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), led by General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), led by General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemedi. These tensions escalated following a 2021 military coup, when leaders from both sides attempted to seize control of the government and implement a transition to civilian rule. The outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan in 2023 between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has triggered a serious humanitarian crisis. The clashes centered around Khartoum and spread to other regions, resulting in thousands of deaths, millions of refugees, and significant damage to infrastructure. The root causes of the conflict are complex and include power struggles, divergent political interests, and complex socio-political dynamics in Sudan. The conflict poses major challenges to regional stability and global security. When devastating conflict erupted in Sudan in 2023, the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM) proved to be a vital lifeline for many people displaced by the violence. Challenges facing IOM include limited access to the conflict area, security risks, and increasing humanitarian needs. Highlighting the organization's steadfast commitment to alleviating the suffering of the Sudanese people and paving the way for a more stable future, this study provides context on the causes, impacts, and efforts to resolve the conflict and IOM's assistance to migrants</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC Green Diplomacy: Indonesia -Netherlands Cooperation (Port of Rotterdam) to Realize the Green Port Concept in Indonesia 2025-01-02T11:06:00+00:00 Rima Susanti Helga Yohana Simatupang Aulia Srifauzi <p>This research explores the concept of green diplomacy through the lens of the Indonesia-Netherlands cooperation on port development. Specifically, it focuses on the partnership between Indonesian ports and the Port of Rotterdam, a global leader in sustainable port operations. The study examines how the two nations are collaborating to implement green port concepts in Indonesia, with a particular emphasis on environmental sustainability, technological innovation, and economic growth. Key aspects of the cooperation include knowledge sharing, capacity building, and investment in green technologies. The paper argues that this partnership serves as a model for international collaboration in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development in the maritime sector. By adopting green port practices, Indonesia aims to reduce its carbon footprint, enhance port efficiency, and attract foreign investment. Furthermore, the paper discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing green port concepts in Indonesia, including policy frameworks, financial constraints, and technological limitations. Ultimately, this research highlights the significance of green diplomacy in fostering sustainable maritime trade and contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.</p> 2025-01-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROIROFONIC