Efforts to Improve Indonesia's Creative Economy: Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals Number 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth


  • Akhmad Dairoby UIN Walisongo Semarang


Creative Economy, SDGs, Economic Growth


This writing aims to find out and explain the Strategy for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Increase the Creative Economy in Indonesia. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Indonesia ranks third after America and South Korea in terms of the Creative Economy, with 8 million creative economy entrepreneurs in Indonesia. The method used in this research is qualitative or uses a descriptive approach. The discussion originates from the results of library studies or literature studies through book sources and scientific articles from several journals related to previous research by the topic discussion. Society will indirectly see how Indonesia's creative economy is currently developing and how the government is also making efforts to overcome obstacles to improve the creative economy sector in Indonesia. The SDGs Program hopes to increase the creative economy in Indonesia and provide decent jobs in the creative economy sector and growth economy.


