The Politics of Sustainable Development: Navigating Policy Challenges in Indonesia’s New Capital City Nusantara


  • Adani Julian Perdana Padjajaran University
  • Muhammad Abdurrachman Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jakarta


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), New Capital City of Indonesia, Nusantara, Environmental Security, Policy Challenges, Urban Development


This paper explores the political and policy-related obstacles in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 11 from the United Nations in Indonesia's forthcoming capital city. Authors start by scrutinizing the political motivations and interests influencing the city's development, and how these forces impact sustainability-focused policies. Subsequently, we investigate the challenges in aligning the city's growth with SDG 11 targets, which encompass safe and affordable housing, sustainable transport systems, inclusive urbanization, preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and improved resilience to disasters. Using a combination of desk research, news documentation, and case studies, this study endeavors to paint a comprehensive picture of the intricacies of achieving SDG 11 in the context of a new capital city. The insights gleaned from this research aim to inform policy-making and provide valuable lessons for Indonesia, as well as other developing nations, in their pursuit of sustainable urban development. Through this multifaceted research approach, this paper offers a nuanced perspective on the political and policy dynamics of sustainable development in the rapidly changing environment of Indonesia's new capital city.

Author Biographies

Adani Julian Perdana, Padjajaran University

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science

Muhammad Abdurrachman, Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Jakarta

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science


