Islamic Religious Education Towards Quality Education SDG: Content Analysis on Kunci Kerukunan Material in the Textbook of Moral and Theology of Islam XII Class Madrasa


  • Ikhsan Rifai UIN Sunan Kalijaga
  • Nurhaliza UIN Sunan Kalijaga


Quality Education, Islamic Religious Education, Content Analysis


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proclaimed by the United Nations in 2015 include 17 goals that are expected to be achieved globally by 2030. Although they do not explicitly mention Islamic Religious Education (PAI), Indonesia, as a Muslim-majority country, needs to pay attention to the link between the values of Islamic religious values with SDGs. The study is motivated by the importance of promoting inclusiveness values contained in the material, which aligns with the SDG goals of Quality Education SDG. The present study focuses on analyzing the Kunci Kerukunan material in the Moral and Theology of Islam XII Class Madrasa textbook in the context of Islamic Religious Education towards Quality Education SDG. The study employs a qualitative content analysis approach to explore the content of the Kunci Kerukunan material in the textbook to explore its relevance to the Quality Education SDG. The study results show a linkbetween Islamic Religious Education and Quality Education SDG, especially on the 4.7 target. The Kunci Kerukukan chapter for XII Madrasa classes contains values that can support achieving SDGs goal number 4.


