Inclusive Village Development Through Religious Moderation: Promoting Local Cultures as A Global Values


  • Dian Herdiana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Inclusive Development, Religious Moderation, Village Communities


This article is intended to analyze inclusive village development in which religious moderation is not only used as the basis for compiling and implementing development that accommodates differences in beliefs at the village level but also used as one of the pillars of overall development success. This concept is the essential value of contemporary village development, which not only represents the aspirations of village community members but also accommodates the interests of every member of the village community with different beliefs. Based on this understanding, religious moderation is a condition for village development in which today's society is developing to become heterogeneous. Religious moderation guarantees accommodation for various village development programs aimed at the interests of all village communities. This concept should be understood as a paradigm not only at the national level but at the global level, which so far has constructed society as a determinant of the direction of development policy; the community does not only agree on the development program as a concession but also as an accommodation for the heterogeneity of adhered beliefs in which development represents these differences in beliefs and can provide development benefits for all members of the community. It should be promoted as a relevant local value to become a global paradigm.

Author Biography

Dian Herdiana, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Faculty of Sharia and Law


