Electric Vehicle for Solution to Reduce Pollution


  • I Gede Yudiantara Udayana University


electric vehicle, solution, development, bibliometric, sustainable


Electric vehicles have become a trending topic of research since world campaigns related to the use of clean and renewable energy to overcome environmental pollution. In addition, the support for the G20 event campaign which was carried out in Indonesia became a role model in the use of electric vehicles as a modern mode of transportation. This research is a literature review using a bibliometric approach to compile a science mapping of literature on electric vehicles for solutions to reduce pollution. Bibliometric analysis was performed on literature collected via PoP on the Google Scholar database. Electric vehicle research is currently more focused on hybrid electric vehicles, vehicle energy, technology, development, smart grid, system, cost, station and energy transfer. So that future topics related to electric vehicles such as the impact of electric vehicle policies, electric vehicle regulations, electric vehicle subsidies, air pollution, supporting infrastructure and the sustainability of electric vehicles need to be carried out to support the effectiveness and sustainability of electric vehicles in supporting renewable energy in the future.


