The Importance of Investment in Developing Regional Competitiveness and Its Contribution Toward Sustainable Development


  • Alamsyah University of Hasanuddin
  • Nursini University of Hasanuddin
  • Sabir University of Hasanuddin
  • Sultan Suhab University of Hasanuddin


Investment, Competitiveness, Sustainable Development


Investment defined as an asset acquired and invested which serve the purpose to build wealth from saving or any form of that obtain through work, investment not only defined in small scale as a component of individual economic activity, but also for economic in general, in term of regional, investment can be a power to enhance life quality, in which investment can be used to build infrastructure, enhance education quality, and provide health facility to enhance overall health quality. When all this function has been done successfully, the positive effect will be reflected in regional competitiveness, with the prime health and education, it will result in productive and innovative human resources, which can provide contribution toward economic development, further sufficient and effective investment will contribute toward sustainable development especially in the context of education and health. This paper will explore the interconnection between investment and regional competitiveness, and visualize its contribution toward sustainable development, by using relevant empirical research and studies to support to explore the topic of this paper, which then also be used to support and to highlight the finding of this paper, the finding will also use to select the best approach that can be used to develop and enhance regional competitiveness in the future.

Author Biographies

Alamsyah, University of Hasanuddin

Postgraduate Student at Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Program

Nursini, University of Hasanuddin

Economic and Business Department

Sabir, University of Hasanuddin

Economic and Business Department

Sultan Suhab, University of Hasanuddin

Economic and Business Department


