Driving Progress from the Bottom Up: Assessing Local Government SDG Reporting to Inspire Action


  • Sri Milawati Asshagab National Agency for Research and Innovation of the Republic of Indonesia


Comparative analysis, local government reporting, Partnership for the Goals, Sustainable Development Goals, Voluntary Local Review


Effective monitoring and reporting of progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is essential for sustainable development. However, local governments’ voluntary reporting on SDG progress remains limited globally. This study aims to evaluate the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) reporting practices of 16 cities worldwide, focusing on SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals. The comparative analysis method was employed to compare reporting practices, content, and partnership networks to identify best practices. By doing so, it aims to inspire other local governments to report their SDG actions and create initiatives toward achieving the SDGs, particularly in addressing common challenges. The study found that while VLR is a crucial step in implementing action plans, it lacks a standard format, which hinders transparency and consistency. The VLR aims to increase awareness of local government efforts and challenges in achieving SDGs, and it also encourages other local governments to take action towards the SDGs, as most regions face similar challenges that require cooperation. Collaborative networks such as C40, FairTrade Town, ICLEI, and Sister City highlight the importance of joint efforts in promoting sustainable urban development at the local government level.


