Gender Equality Awareness of Peer Counselors Islamic Universities in Banjarmasin


  • Mufida Istati UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
  • Helma Nuraini UIN Antasari Banjarmasin


Peer Counselor, Gender Awarness


Gender equality awareness is one of the important abilities possessed by students in order to characterize and empower students in higher education. An effective way to achieve this is through the active role of students guided by peer counselors. The purpose of this study was to describe of gender equality awareness of peer counselors in Islamic universities in Banjarmasin city. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The object of this research is gender equality awareness. The data collection instrument is a gender equality awareness scale. The study was conducted in Banjarmasin on students of the Counseling Department of State Islamic University Antasari Banjarmasin and Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjary. The research findings that the average peer counselor's gender equality awareness is in the medium category with details of 93,75% in the medium category, 3,12% in the high category, and 3,12 in the low category. Gender awareness owned by peer counselors in the aspect of analyzing gender problems is in a higher category than in the aspect of understanding gender concepts


