Sexual Violence in India: an Analysis of Causal Factors and Their Impact on Women's Security


  • Witriani Astuti Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Neilva Jarillah Arya Universitas Darussalam Gontor


Sexual violence, India, Women’s Security


Sexual violence and harassment can be a huge fear for women, with this happening, the sense of security for women in India is very minimal. Sexual violence that occurs in India is very high, this is due to the existence of a patriarchal culture, which is already in place considered normal by Indian society. Apart from that, acts of violence and sexual harassment that occur can cause victims to experience very severe trauma. Thus the Goal from this research, namely knowing the factors that cause sexual violence and how it impacts women's safety in India. This research uses a library research approach where the data source obtained is through previous investigations and research. with this approach the results obtained are where patriarchal culture is difficult to eliminate, because in India there is a big emphasis on caste differences which makes men really look down on women. Apart from that, the impact of sexual violence can be makes women feel insecure and experience psychological and psychological disorders.


