The Indonesian Government's Efforts to Create Inclusive Education for People with Disabilities Through Assistive Technology


  • Cindy Meriana Potensi Utama University
  • Helga Yohana Simatupang Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Aulia Srifauzi Potensi Utama University


Inclusive Education, Assisted Technology, Indonesia’s Government Regulations, People with disability, Sustainable Development Goals


Inclusive education is an alternative solution for students with disabilities to gain full access to a quality learning environment. A common problem for people with disabilities to obtain quality education is communication difficulties and physical constraints, it is a challenge for the state to facilitate the same learning environment for all students. In the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of National Education No. 70 of 2009, there are regulations dealing with inclusive education for students who have disabilities and have potential intelligence and or special talents. One of the implementations of these government regulations is demonstrated by the development of assisted technology specifically designed to address the challenges faced by those with disabilities. The research uses a qualitative approach by analyzing data from various sources including scientific journals, news, and official website related to the use of assistive technology for people with disabilities in Indonesia. Analysis indicates that the presence of government-supported assistive technology is uneven in Indonesia due to a number of obstacles to its implementation such as limited technology supply, lack of government support, and limited human resources in the use of such assisted technology. Comprehensive cooperation is needed involving several parties involved in the provision and use of assistive technology such as government, schools and the public to overcome the various obstacles so that Indonesia can create quality inclusive education and support sustainable development.

Author Biography

Helga Yohana Simatupang, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Department of International Relations


